Coupon codes and discounts in the Flowwow app
Coupon codes and discounts in the Flowwow app
This page contains all currently active coupon codes for purchases in the Flowwow app. Download the mobile app and redeem coupon codes right now!
This page contains all currently active coupon codes for purchases in the Flowwow app. Download the mobile app and redeem coupon codes right now!
    Frequently asked questions
    Frequently asked questions
    Популярные вопросы
    All currently active Flowwow coupon codes are available on the coupon codes page on the Flowwow website or in your personal area if you are logged in using the mobile app. You can also subscribe to the Flowwow newsletter to receive regular updates on all new coupon codes and promotions.
    Select the items you like and press the Checkout button.
    On the checkout page, go to the Coupon codes, bonuses and discounts section. Then select Add a promo code/loyalty card number. A coupon code field will be displayed.
    Once a coupon code has been redeemed, the order amount will be adjusted automatically.

    1. You can enter only one coupon code at a time.
    2. Discounts do not apply to delivery fees.
    Most likely, this is due to one of the three reasons below.
    1. The coupon code has expired.
    2. The coupon code is restricted to either orders made on the website or in the app only.
    3. The coupon code applies to a user's first order only.

    Please note that you can enter only one coupon code at a time.
    Yes, they can. Flowwow coupon codes can be shared with others. All coupon codes that cannot be redeemed multiple times are one-time coupon codes that will be rejected at the second attempt.
    Flowwow coupon codes apply to all product categories, however coupon codes can only be redeemed at shops marked as Accepting bonuses.
    At the moment, such a coupon code is not available. However, you can use the Free delivery filter in the app to view the best delivery conditions available at your location.